I’m going to try really hard to write about things other than my bump and all things baby. Right now its whats on my mind more than anything else, so there will be some serious baby talk around here. We pretty much have the nursery figured out and now its just a matter of waiting until Christmas Eve to find out Baby D’s gender and start putting the key touches on it. Now that we are past the point of deciding on color and themes I’ve moved on to the smaller things like oh, baby carriers.
We live in Austin and while I want to, I think I might get strange looks if I wasn’t excited about baby wearing. I love the idea of free hands and the special opportunity to have Baby D so close to me as well. now for the challenging part… there are about a million or so different baby carriers out there!
How am I suppose to ever figure out which one to use? What is your favorite? Which ones should I stay away from? I need your help, so share your thoughts in the comments about your baby wearing experiences and what you recommend.
[…] themselves well you can switch to a back carry so that baby has even more visibility. When using a baby carrier make sure that you know babywearing […]