While I was out shopping up all the amazing back to school deals I was noticing that everything was focused on grade schoolers. High School and College is getting ready to start too and with all those books and full schedules, the older students need some fun things to make their back to school fun too! Here are our back to school must haves for High School and college students.
Pretty Post-Its are a must for me, I have so many that I find them everywhere. I prefer the larger ones so that I can write out longer lists or sometimes project details.
Fruit Infused Water Bottle staying hydrated is important through out the day. Stay away from sugary drinks and enjoy some delicious fruit infused water. Change it up every day to give yourself variety.
Plastic mason food jars make packing lunches fun. I love the colorful lids, that they are light weight and no breaking!
Post-It Flags are perfect for marking important spots. I love to write a small note on them since I don’t like to write in books.
Zagg Folio keyboard for Ipad if your student isn’t the pen and paper kind of note taker. This is a great way to type of notes and not have the bulk of a laptop to carry around.
Alarm clock with USB charger this alarm clock will wake your student up, changes colors and will charge their phone.
Collapsible bowl perfect for taking a healthy meal with you when you’re on the go but don’t want the bulk of a lunch bag.
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I used Post It Notes all the time when I was in college. I bought the larger ones, about the same size as an index card, and it held most of the notes I needed for any page. Great list!