When John was nearing his first birthday I was all about crafting everything for his party. I had so much fun adding all of my handmade touches to his party. We had a cute woodland animal themed party with cute raccoon invitations and adorable cookies at a local kids indoor play place. Which was great because it poured on the day of his party. It’s hard to believe I am fast forwarding almost 3 years and I am getting ready for Mary’s 1st birthday party in a few weeks. One thing I could not go without was a highchair banner. This was one of my favorite projects for John. I used a few different supplies, but the finished product is just as amazing as the first one I made years ago.
Here is a fun and easy tutorial on making your own boho 1st birthday highchair banner. First you are going to need to gather your supplies. I’ve made it super easy for you to one click purchase all of your supplies below.
The first thing I do when making a birthday banner is cut all of my ribbons. I like when they are various lengths, a good place to start is going to be around 22 inches. I lay everything out so that I can get an idea of what the finished pattern will look like.
After I have moved around a few pieces and am pleased I attach my canvas fabric pennant. Keep in mind that you do not have to have a pattern to your birthday banner, this is just my preference.
Using hot glue I attach the jute twine to the top section of the pennant, after it has had a moment to dry I run a line of hot glue around the edge of the entire pennant and lay a second pennant on top.
Your pennant should now hang in the center of your strip of twine.
At this point you are ready to start attaching your ribbons. I use a simple knot and work my way from the center outward.
It is easier to finish one side and then follow your pattern or random selection on the other side.
I also prefer to push all of my ribbons together towards the front for a more full appearance. You can extend the ribbons as far back as you like. If you are planning to have them trim the entire high chair tray I would recommend doubling your twine for additional support.
The next step is going to be to paint on your canvas pennant. I made my highchair birthday banner for a 1st birthday, but really its great for any young child’s party or photo shoot. Acrylic paint works best for this project, in whichever colors match your theme best. I like to have a metallic and a color to contrast. For this banner I used two beautiful colors.
Using a flat brush I hand painted a number 1 on the center of the canvas pennant.
Allow the number to dry for a few minutes, then using your other color and the tip end of the brush place small polka dots randomly around your number.
Allow all of the paint to dry and you are ready to use your beautiful highchair birthday banner! Loving that , they do customs!
I love to see your creations. After you’ve made your amazing Boho 1st Birthday Highchair Banner, Share on instagram tag us @lifeanchored and #lifeanchoredDIYs
Awesome tutorial! The final product is adorable!
Thank you! I really enjoyed making it.
You killed it! It is perfect. These weren’t popular when my kids were younger.
I love the finished product. I could make these every day!
How is this being secured to the high chair?