I love doing DIY projects with the kids now that they are a little bit older and listen to instructions about 1/3 of the time. Each day during our school hours we have a lot of fun projects that help making learning fun and break up some of the essentials like math and handwriting. We had a great day learning all about flowers, the various parts of a flower, dissecting them and of course smelling them to decided which scents we preferred. When we were done, it was time for some art and I thought it would be fun to paint with the flowers as our brushes and make some Flower Stamped DIY Wrapping Paper.
We used our new favorite paints, Crayola Neon Washable Paints, to create a bright colorful piece of art. I covered our kid’s worktable with white rolled paper, securing with painters tape of the sides. I purchased a inexpensive bouquet of flowers at my local market (H-E-B has amazing flowers) and trimmed them so that the stems were long enough to be used as a brush.
I poured small amounts of paints onto a paper plate. When we are painting with traditional brushed I use these silicone molds but today we are using flowers and the buds are larger than the openings on the silicone mold so paper plate is it. Also I recommend a paint smock if you are paining with kids 5 and under. We had jammies on for school this morning so I wasn’t too worried about it and the crayola paint is washable so I don’t stress it too much but it can get messy quick for sure.
John would pick out a flower one at a time and get to painting. I did show him how to stamp them as an alternative to brushing them. He did a mix of both and I really love the way it turned out. This is absolute a project we will do again in the future. Maybe change up the colors depending on who the gift will be for and since the paint is washable I can see tons of possibilites for what we can use as our stamps.