I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour on behalf of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division, the makers of SUDAFED®. I received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
We’ve had our first offical day of Fall and the weather changed for about 12 hours. We had a beautiful crisp breeze and suddenly you start to notice the leaves changing around you and that everyone is wearing boots (not the cowboy kind, those are year round wear here). The next day its 95 degrees outside again and I’m back in shorts and sandals while JDub runs through the sprinkler in the backyard. That’s life in Texas. While I love that our warmer days go all the way into Fall, the inconsistent weather can bring on a lot of sinus discomfort and congestion. The change in pressure, the allergens in the air and suddenly I’m not able to enjoy being outside in the sunshine anymore. Instead I have pressure and pain, I just want to lay on the couch and sleep.
We spent yesterday swimming in Barton Springs, it’s mid October and we are enjoying hiking and swimming in the cool springs. Nothing is going to bring me down and make me miss out on these amazing Fall adventures with my family. I keep a few things on hand to make sure that I am ready for whatever adventure we may have that day. Pain reliver for sore muscles from all those long jogs and greenbelt hikes. SUDAFED® for any cold symptoms that try and creep up on me and of course I get a flu vaccine to keep that nasty virus away.
So this Fall we are staying well and spending our days having fun and adventuring. Day trips to the Texas State Fair and neighborhood walks to meet new animal friends.
Sadly I think my sinus sickness has already hit me and out fall plans. Luckily though I’m fighting back with rest and a sick day today!
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thank you