Favorite Outdoor Toys for Families and Kids
A few weeks back I shared with you all of our favorite indoor toys for active kids and why we love them so much, ummm rainy days and wicked hot Texas Summers. Now I want to share with you some of our favorite outdoor toys for families and kids. In our current climate, I don’t know about you but we are spending a lot more time in our back yard than normal. We love setting up the lawn chairs and visiting with the neighbors while the kids ride scooters and bikes together normally. Now we are working to distance ourselves socially without having to give up playing outside all together.
There are of course large structures like trampolines and playscapes and those are great! We have this trampoline and obviously love it and spend time on it almost every day.
Here are a few of our other favorites outdoor toys….
Jump Ropes– Clearly we are still learning, but these jump ropes are old school just like the ones we used back in elementary school and they come in way fun colors.
Wiffle Ball game– Our entire family loves pitching, using the T-ball stand and practicing our infield grounders with these easy to throw and hit balls.
Sidewalk chalk– No kidding we spend almost every morning and/or evening outside doing sidewalk chalk. I have a huge bucket that I thought we’d never use up and it’s getting low, time to reorder. I have a board on Pinterest full of full chalk designs that are both inspiring words or interactive fun for the kids.
Bubble Machine– BEST money you will spend all Summer. It does not matter what activity or toy we are playing with outside, if you add a bubble machine the fun level has just increased 100%. Don’t forget to get the extra large bottle of bubbles with it because it will be a used daily.
Soccer Goals– Doesn’t matter if your family is big into soccer, a friendly game of backyard soccer is fun for everyone of all ages and gets everyone a little exercise kicking the ball around!
Frisbee-Seems crazy to say with the kids being so little but just this morning I had a challenging Frisbee game with a 3 and 5 year old. Honestly I was super impressed at how well my 5 year old can catch.
Bikes- Both kids are riding pedal bikes but still LOVE their Strider bikes for going FAST! We bring the bikes in the back yard and let them go crazy! I envision we will have jumps or a half pipe back there any day now. Do you have a little one and are thinking about a balance bike and wondering if they are worth all the hype? I have the scoop for you and you won’t want to miss it.
Water Table– This week we are adding a water table to the outdoor offering and I think it will be a great surprise!
Water Guns– Nothing like a family friendly water fight gun fight to have everyone laughing and cooled off too.
Sometimes taking inside toys outside for a change can bring new life into them. Consider building a course for cars or monster trucks to play in.
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