Back to school is approaching so quickly. It is always tough having to say goodbye to summer and hello to back to school. However, it’s unavoidable, so we make the best of it. Check out some of the ways my family is getting into a back to school routine.
#1. Earlier bedtime– I have to say that I’m not sad about this, although JDub is not happy. Making sure the kiddos are in bed at a decent time isn’t always easy, but it is well worth it for the back to school routine. Making sure they get plenty of sleep is SUPER important.
#2. Healthier eating– Our family has had their fair share of cookouts this summer. Back to school means that it’s time to get a few more veggies and fruits into our diets. Although I love all foods, healthier foods are so much better for helping our bodies adjust to the demands of everyday life.
#3. A calmer schedule– During the summer, my family is always rushing from place to place to do something. During the school year, our schedule tends to slow down a little bit. It’s so nice to have some downtime in the evenings. Although the schedule is sure to pick up a little bit, it’s going to be nice to have that time with the family.
#4. A little extra reading– I’m lucky that my kids love to read with me. We slacked off a little this summer, so I’m looking forward to a little extra reading. We are a family that loves to learn, so I look forward to getting back into that reading routine with everyone.
#5. A good bedtime routine– A back to school routine includes having a bedtime routine. This is a little bit of how our bedtime routine looks.
- Clean up from dinner
- Spent a little time playing
- Get our pajamas on
- Brush our teeth
- Spend time reading a story together
- Head to bed
Our bedtime routine is nothing special, but it is what works for us. I’ve noticed that consistency is the most important thing.
#6. Use Hello Products– Another way we are getting into a back to school routine is by using the awesome products from Hello Products. Specifically, their toothpaste. Hello Toothpaste is a product you’ll want to add to your back to school routine. My son love this toothpaste, the natural sweet mint is his favorite. My preschooler LOVES brushing his teeth. There are no fake sweeteners, no fake flavors, no dyes, no preservatives, no microbeads and the list could go on and on.
I’d love to hear how your family is getting back into the school routine!