This is a sponsored conversation with The Baby Sleep Site, all opinions are my own.
The saying goes something like, I want to sleep like a baby. The reality is most babies and even older kids don’t sleep that well. My little guy was 9 months old when we moved him to his own room and started sleep training him. It was hard but with time it worked. Then come all of those life changes; teething, illness, learning how to climb out of his crib. Suddenly we’re right back were we started and going to bed is an hour of getting up and having to be walked back to bed and tucked in all over again, over and over and over again. I think 9 times is our personal best. That was just to get him to stay in his bed. This is a challenge once the crib rail is gone and they are in a their new environment of a toddler bed.
So now he’s in bed and we are waking up several times a night crying. I had no clue why or what to do for him. I remember back to when I was pregnant (forever ago) and one of the classes I went to discussed sleep coaches. It never crossed my mind that there were people out there other than friends, fellow moms and my pediatrician, that could help me with this challenge.
I visited with Baby Sleep Site to see what sleep coaching was all about. Of course all babies and toddlers are different so I wondered how this who thing would work. They offered great options that would that appeal to any sleep deprived parent. You can choose from either their one-on-one help plan or the DIY plan.
The one-on-one plan provides with the option to visit with the sleep consultant via email or phone or combos of both. You fill out a detailed survey and visit with the consultant about your answers to help develop your unique plan. Another great option (and the one we did) is the Express Sleep Plan. I filled out an online survey, took me about 15 minutes and with a few minutes I had a sleep plan in my inbox that would assist me in obtaining that much needed sleep. I mean if he sleeps I sleep, right?! With each of these option you also have access to their members only website that is packed full of great resources and e-tools.
Rather go the DIY route? They have an option for that too! You can access their members only chat rooms, listen to live chats with the experts, and utilize the many e-books, case studies and tools they have online.
While every child is different, it took us a few nights of following our custom sleep plan to get our bedtime routine to a better place. Sometimes things will still throw it off and I just get back to the plan and we are back to sleeping in no time!
Are you having sleep struggles with your baby or toddler? The amazing sleep consultants at the Baby Sleep Site have graciously decided to giveaway 2 amazing packages to 2 lucky Life Anchored readers! Enter below to win an express sleep plan and 2 months access to their members only site.
My daughter is 27 months and Apart from her tantrum throwing I can’t get her to sleep in her toddler bed …
I’m almost 6 months pregnant n I need to sleep peacefully in my bed… She needs to now sleep in her room
I have been in your shoes! It is hard, especially as a first time parent. There were so many things that my husband and I felt prepared for, sleep struggles were not one of them.
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thrghou.