It’s one of the biggest mommy stresses out there, losing the baby weight. I know that I thought about it during my pregnancy. Everytime I went into the doctors office first thing I did was weigh and I immediately thought, that’s two more pounds I’m going to have to work hard to loose. I had a lot, I mean a lot of swelling starting in my 3rd trimester, this was a complication we had to deal with during delivery. I had a healthy weight gain up to that point, by the time I went in for delivery I had gained 55 lbs. I’m only 5’5″ and this really took a toll on my body. I started having knee pain, something I hadn’t experienced in years. My back of course suffered too.
For the past few years I have been a regular exerciser and knew that I would start working on losing the baby weight as soon as the doctor cleared me back to regular activities. With an unplanned C-section that took a little longer than anticipated. When we got the all clear I was excited to get to it! Here are some of my favorite things to help make losing the baby weight comfortable and fun.
LuLuLemon Yoga Pants– these pants are truely amazing. I wore them through out my entire pregnancy, they had just the right amount of stretch and now that I am losing the baby weight you would never know they’ve been stretched!
Pretty Yoga Mat– There is something about sitting on my pretty yoga mat that calms me down. I love the colors and patterns.
Bob Jogging Stroller– I could not live without this thing! We have not used any other stroller yet. Ours is a hand me down and was in great shape when we got it. Check out craigslist or local consignment shops for a great deal on jogging strollers.
Work out tank/nursing top (gillian o’malley)– Since I am doing more walking than jogging I am able to wear a top that offers a minimal amount of support and A LOT of comfort. I wish I had a million of these nursing tanks. I wear them to workout in, around the house, and even when we travel.
Camelbak Eddy Waterbottle– Best water bottle ever. I feel that I drink way more water when I am drinking through a straw. It fits perfectly in the holder on the stroller and I don’t have to unscrew the lid everytime I need a drink.
You can do it! Just remember that progress is progress. Don’t rush it. I have twins and can tell you it’s totally possible. I’ve even competed in physique competitions. I look forward to following your journey. 🙂