It’s time, time to sit down and think about what you want to accomplish in 2016. It’s time to write your new year goals. I’m still working on my personal goals, but I have made a nice list of things I would like to accomplish for Life Anchored in the new year. Things like grow our social media following (help by sharing us with your friends), continue to bring you amazing content, grow our email subscribers (you can subscribe here) and a few other fun things that’ll leave for later.
New Year Goals and a Look Back
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2015 was kind of a disappointing year. I struggled so much internally all year. I’m hoping for a better 2016. Thank you so much for awesome printable! Have a wonderful and successful 2016!
Kelly, Thank you for sharing. I challenge you to fill out the printable and look back next year and see how far you came. It’s going to be a great year for you!
Great printable! Thanks for sharing.