November Goals
1. Train for and finish the 5 Mile Turkey Trot
2. Fulfill my editorial calendar for the entire month
3. Work on losing those last 5 lbs
4. Spend quality time with my family everyday
5. Start planning Christmas shopping/crafting
6. Do 1 thing out of my comfort zone and write about it
7. Move Baby D’s nursery into different room
8. Organize the closet under the stairs
9. Update Grandparent Books
10. Have a Date with The Mister and a Mom’s Night Out
Last month was a bit of a wash. I accomplished a few of my goals, but I feel like I may have written them down in haste and wasn’t as thoughtful as I should have been. They were all realistic for me, some because I just don’t like wearing make up and others because I wasn’t ready to dedicate myself to really accomplishing them. The big one that I did accomplish was to make Baby D’s Halloween Costume. It came out so adorable. He even won the costume contest at one of the events we went to.
[…] And while this is not an adult costume, it’s a stinkin’ cute DIY baby scuba diver (He even had a shark […]