I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite parts of Christmas time is getting cards in the mail. I remember them all on the fridge or a mantel growing up and I still love to display them. Since I love getting them I also love sending them. I want them to be so cute! This year I have to admit I didn’t make time for family pictures. We may still do them sometime this Winter, but not in time for Christmas cards. Here are a few ways to making preparing for the holidays fun and easy.
I love the selection at Minted for Christmas cards. There were so many options I couldn’t decide if I wanted to send Christmas cards or wait for New Year. So much cuteness! I finally decide on a design and they came out perfect. I went with the basic premium paper, the thickness is just right. They do have several selections of upgraded papers to choose from. I also chose to have the corners rounded on our cards. You can choose several options here as well. If you are tech savvy and have your address book uploaded to a spreadsheet, don’t spend time addressing envelopes. I do have a few things that I keep on hand to make preparing for holidays easier.
Custom Address Stamp – This is great for every day mail too, but I love not writing my return address a 100 times.
Custom Monogram Address Embosser – Want to get fancy and not worry about smudged ink? An embosser is the way to go.
Canvas Tote – I make sure to have a nice big tote ready for post office trips. Lots of packages and cards going out right now and carrying it all gets tricky.
Lettering Guide – Want to hand write your address? For the perfectly addressed envelopes this lettering guide is the way to go.
Hand Calligraphy Kit – Beautiful script writing is always a treat on cards, everything you need to learn is here.
Guide on Hand Lettering – Admit it, you love all of those beautifully letter chalkboards you see in your favorite coffee shops. Now you can learn the same techniques and do your own hand lettering.