Spelling Word Toolbox
One of my favorite things about our schooling is how hands on we get to be with each of our lessons. I’m sure you’ve seen me share the curriculum that we use before over on our Instagram page. I truly love everything about it. We use it for language arts, handwriting, math and will be introducing their science and history in the coming years. One thing I realized my kindergartner needed additional practice with was his spelling words. I remember being in grade school and copying a list from the the chalkboard each Monday morning and taking home to study for the week until Friday’s spelling test. I’m sure most teachers use the same format. Little was done with actually practicing spelling during classroom time, rather it was a homework assignment that fell onto parents.
I want spelling to be something that was fun for us and that we did together during our regular school hours. Isn’t that really the joy of homeschooling once you’re done with school for the day you’re truly done for the day, there is no such thing as traditional home work. Since our hands on approach to math has been so successful, I thought it would be great to apply the same approach to spelling. After some research and of course insight from other home school moms. I put together our spelling word toolbox. It consist of various materials to allow my early reader and speller to put together the words using an activity of his choice.
Some days we do a different activity for each word and other days we choose one activity to practice our list for the week. It’s such a great resource for not only homeschooling families but any parent that is working with their early reader on spelling words.
Here is what you will need to put together your spelling toolbox.:
Small container of Play-doh color of child’s choice
Block shaped alphabet letter beads
These various activities have made practicing spelling words some thing everyone enjoys. We keep our spelling word toolbox right next to our other curriculum and at the ready for practice at anytime during our lesson.