I know personally as a little girl I used to absolutely LOVE helping my parents cook in the kitchen! Making dinner was one of my favorite times of the day and my mother used to always give me simple and safe tasks that I could do in order to help her prepare the meal. I think this is a really great way to spend time and bond with your children as well as them involved in cooking and helping them prepare for the years to come where they will need to learn to cook for themselves and their family. I know that sounds a bit silly, preparing so many years ahead time but the more familiar they come with the kitchen and tools of the kitchen, the more experienced they will be when it comes time for them to cook on their own. Today I am going to be sharing with you a few simple tasks that are safe and easy to do so that your kiddos can help you in the kitchen.
–Setting the table: This is a really simple task that they can start doing fairly young. I can remember back when I was as little as 5 years old my mother would take out the plates and forks that were needed to go on the table and I would carry each plate over one by one and set the whole table all on my own. It was something for me to help out with and it gave me a sense of accomplishment. This is a great way to ease into the kitchen for your little ones as well.
–Stirring: This one can be a bit dangerous because they are being put around hot surfaces, but as long you watch them closely and monitor their actions they will be completely fine doing this one. Let them help you stir your soups or sauces as you make them, trust me…they will love it!
–Pouring Ingredients: This one you will have to watch them, because they may spill things as they pour but they will have a blast knowing that they are helping to create the food. You could even hold onto their hand and just guide them into pouring the ingredients for whatever recipe you are making.
–Measuring: This is another really great one for kids to do because all you need to do is give them the proper measuring cup and have them fill it up for you. I know it sounds a bit simple and boring but kids really do love it just because they get to hang out with you in the kitchen and help in whatever way that they can.
-Taste testing: This one was always my favorite as a kid! I absolutely loved to be my mother’s taste tester for whatever she was cooking! It is a great way to introduce your kids to new recipes that you are trying out and they get excited when they get to tell you whether it is yummy or not!
There are so many teens and adults out there in the world that have absolutely no idea what they are doing in the kitchen, don’t let your kids be that way. Get them in that kitchen with you and helping out so that they know exactly what to do when they are all grown up and on their own.
[…] need to eat, so why not start teaching them how to make their own food now? Preschoolers can do many things in the kitchen that are safe when supervised by an adult. There are even kid-friendly kitchen tools […]