Okay mommas I need your help! I bought the most adorable diaper bag this past week and belive it or not I have no idea what to put in it! So I bring you What’s in My Bag: Diaper Bag Edition. Aside from diapers and wipes, what are the must haves of every well stocked diaper bag? Nursing cover, check! Booty cream, check! I have pinned a million okay like 10 pinterest pins about the diaper bag, but I want to hear it from my momma readers. What can stay and what goes. I already carry a giant purse and don’t want to drag around a ton of things that never get used.
#1Carter’s Giraffe Diaper Bag |#2 Eddie Bauer Nursing Cover from Target
#3 Avent Soothie Pacifiers |#4 Butt Paste & Wipes |#5 Pampers Swaddlers
These are all great, I dont carry butt cream with me, but haha you never know when you may need it…
Antibacterial pocket sanitizer is one of my musts and I never want to be without a paci (you have it listed but seriously, I always have an extra!!) You will be surprised at how little you need. Oh, and an extra onesie is nice to have for surprise explosions etc.
So excited for you!
How many outfits do you carry as spares? Hand sanitizer, genius!!! Do you have a favorite type of Paci? Thanks for the great ideas!
I just carry one outfit, but I am not out long with them either. My 2.5 year old is doing great with big girl underwear, but I now carry an extra outfit for her too in case of accident!
Both my girls love the Mam pacifier and never liked others- http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=mam+pacifier&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Amam+pacifier
I have heard it is best to try a couple and this was the winner!
I have two littles ages 3 years and 11 weeks. In my bag I always have diapers I carry 5-8 size 1 depending on how long we will be out, a pack of wipes and some butt paste and those disposable bags for poopy diapers. I also carry an extra onesie and pants with a spare pair of socks for both kids, you’d be surprised how many times my little one has lost a sock while we were out. I also carry an Aden and anais swaddle blanket, we are in San Diego but you never know when you will be somewhere that has their ac on full blast. I carry a burp cloth because my little one loves to spit up. Paci wipes and mustela face and hand wipes for quick clean ups. I have a small pouch with an extra paci, never leave the house without an extra! And my hooter hider nursing cover. And then I like to have tissues, Chapstick, lip gloss, Tylenol for me, some bandaids and neosporin because accidents happen all the time with a 3 year old boy, a pen and little notebook, and my wallet. I will be adding a small toy for my littlest soon as he is just getting into toys. I like to pack more than needed so I’m always prepared! Good luck!
Jessica! Great advice. Sounds like this bag is quickly going to become my purse too! The AC is always going everywhere since we are in Texas. I blanket should be perfect and extra pacifiers for the road too! Thanks for the deets.
Yes, to the Butt Paste!! And you definitely need changes of clothes (for both you and baby!) and burp rags. My babies were regular spitter-uppers, so we had to prepare for that!
Kirsten, I never thought about a change of clothes for me! Burp clothes are still on the list to get. Thanks!